Wednesday, December 27, 2006

El Castellar

El Castellar, emblema de la ciudad de Zafra.

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Saturday, December 16, 2006

Un nuevo día

Un nuevo día se avecina. Se me antoja gozoso ya que la luz exalta los entresijos de las horas que quedan por recorrer. Será un día más, sí, pero uno diferente. Diferente por su presencia, diferente por que deseamos que haya niños riendo, diferente porque hay gente que desea la paz, la respeta y la hace símbolo y bandera de una nación sin fronteras.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Today's students

As far as I'm concerned as an English teacher in a secondary school in Spain, I believe students are really demotivated towards teaching in general. We are experiencing an living the "what-a difficult-thing-it-is!!". Everything is hard and difficult for them, except what they like (I suppose, but not sure). Difficulty and effort are two "words" they would rather eradicate from this world, at least from their world. I do think life is incredible, an experience nobody should miss; but life has two sides we have to face and by doing it, we become real human beings. Mortal, yes, but human beings.